My Online Counsellor


Unlocking the Benefits of Counselling: A Look at UK Statistics

Counselling can make a transformative difference in your life, supported by compelling UK statistics.

1. Improving Mental Health

Mental health issues affect one in four people annually in the UK. The British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) reports that 80% of clients see significant mental health improvements, including reduced anxiety and depression.

2. Effective Stress Management

The Mental Health Foundation found that 74% of UK adults felt overwhelmed by stress last year. Counseling helps, with studies showing a 50% reduction in stress levels among those who undergo therapy.

3. Enhancing Relationships

Relate, a UK relationship support organisation, found that 90% of clients reported improved relationships after counselling, thanks to better communication and understanding.

4. Boosting Workplace Productivity

Mental health issues cost UK employers up to £45 billion annually. Counselling helps reduce these costs by increasing productivity and reducing sick leave, as per the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD).

5. Long-term Benefits

The NHS notes that early counselling intervention prevents severe mental health conditions. Regular sessions provide immediate relief and equip individuals with future coping mechanisms.

6. Accessible and Effective Services

Digital counselling has made therapy more accessible in the UK. A British Medical Journal survey found that 93% of online therapy users felt adequately helped.

7. Diverse Therapeutic Approaches

UK therapists use various methods tailored to individual needs. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) shows success rates of 60-90% in treating anxiety and depression, according to NHS data.

8. Promoting Self-awareness and Growth

Counselling boosts self-awareness and self-esteem. Mind, a mental health charity, found that 85% of people who received counselling reported increased self-awareness and personal growth.


Counselling offers invaluable benefits for mental health, relationships, and workplace productivity. UK statistics show that therapy can lead to significant positive changes. If you or someone you know is struggling, consider the transformative power of counselling and take the first step towards a healthier, happier life today.

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