My Online Counsellor


Three simple ways to upright your wellbeing and mental health

Sing like nobody is listening

When was the last time you sang like nobody was listening? There’s a science behind the feel-good factor of singing; it isn’t just a placebo. Studies show that singing releases endorphins, your “happy” chemicals, and lowers levels of your stress hormone cortisol. Singing can also evoke nostalgia and comfort, as music can connect us with memories long since forgotten. Has a song on the radio or a playlist ever immediately transported you back to a time, place or special person? Like that catchy tune you hummed during your European holiday, or the chart-topper that you and your best friends belted out at high school? Hit Play and sing along while you clean the house or brush your hair. Whether it’s alone in the car, in the shower or with friends at a party, throw your head back and sing your heart out.

Dress as colourful as you dare

“Colour is a power which directly influences the soul,” said 19th-century artist Wassily Kandinsky. He wasn’t wrong: colour has the power to influence our mood, it can change the energy of a room, an outfit, a sky. Warm oranges and yellows can uplift us. Cooler shades — muted greens and soft blues — are often calming. Deep red, like that of a scarlet rose, can evoke passion and love. Harness this power to bring joy and tranquillity to your life. Fill your dinner plate with all the colours of the rainbow, buy a jacket or pants in that bold shade that you’ve never been “brave” enough to wear, fill your home with vibrant artwork, display flowers in shades that represent your mood. Like Dorothy leaving the monotone shades of Kansas, adventure doesn’t begin until you step into a world of colour. Life is too short to live it in black and white.

Dance in the rain

Discover the transformative power of dance on your mental well-being! Engaging in dance isn't just about moving your body; it's a rhythmic journey to improved mental health. The beat becomes a remedy for stress, the choreography a canvas for self-expression. So, put on your favourite tunes, let loose, and watch how dancing becomes your therapist, offering joy, release, and a rhythm for your mind to follow. Elevate your mood, one dance step at a time!



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